Anya Shchetkina


I completed my undergraduate degree at the New Economic School in Moscow, Russia. The New Economic School has a popular science website called GURU, which aims to popularize economic and financial knowledge among a wide audience. Over the past few years, I have contributed several articles and podcasts to GURU (links below, all in Russian).

In 2023, I was honored to receive the Andrej Bremzen Prize for my active participation in the New Economic School's educational initiatives and my contribution to spreading economic and financial knowledge among a wide audience.


Consumers, Language Models, and Personalized Data (05/23/24)

Marketing of Private Life and Private Data (02/02/23)

How to Profit from Loneliness: Dating Industry (11/16/22)

Books to Read: Human Economics (03/14/22)


What Do Marketers Know about Us? (03/19/24)

Value of Ethics in Consumer Choice (11/28/23)